An Actual Relevant Holocaust Point

The second I saw this news story, I was shocked to see that DK hadn’t already posted about how horrible it is. Ranting and raving about holocaustism.

To summarize,

An Italian Jewish leader told Pope Benedict Sundaythat his wartime predecessor Pius XII should have spoken out more forcefully against the Holocaust to show solidarity with Jews being led to the “ovens of Auschwitz.”

The comments, from the president of Rome’s Jewish community Riccardo Pacifici, were made during the pope’s first visit to Rome’s synagogue and were some of the bluntest ever spoken by a Jewish leader in public to a pope.

“The silence of Pius XII before the Shoah, still hurts because something should have been done,” Pacifici told the pope, using theHebrew word for the Holocaust.

There is no attempt to solicit funds, there is no attempt to open a new holocaust museum based on this, no attempt by anyone to profit based on this statement.  Now, one may contend that it is merely Pacifici to try to get attention, but he is actually raising a very valid point so that point is moot, and there is no evidence for that.

The article goes on to explain why the timing makes sense for this statement,

The visit, Benedict’s third trip to a Jewish temple since becoming pope in 2005, has deeply split Italy’s Jewish community after he took the decision last month to advance Pius XII on the path toward sainthood.

Many Jews say Pius, who reigned from 1939 to 1958, did not do enough to help Jews facing persecution byNazi Germany.

While many of the saints over the years have been terrible to the Jews from Saint Sylvester to Saint Valentine, but never in the modern era has someone been made a saint who clearly could not have been less of a saint towards fellow human beings.

This person cannot be made a saint, it will be a slap in the face of the over 6 million Jews killed in the holocaust.  Then again, some people probably wouldn’t mind that, and see it as a selling point.

CSPAN Allows Anti-Semitic Comments To Go Unfettered

It’s truly amazing that the media hates Israel and Jews so much, and that no one calls them on it.

Check out this shocking call and comment about Israel and American Jews on CSPAN.

Comments made by Michael Scheuer, a clear anti-Israel and anti-semitic commentator, with the CSPAN host merely sitting there.

Hat tip ElderofZiyon

New Frum Blogger (to me)

I just wanted to tip my hat to a new blogger that I found (surprisingly enough through SJ).

Modern Uberdox

Keep up the good work, glad I found your blog

Orthodox Jews and the Arts

DK has once again reminded us today that his standard is the only one that we should hold ourselves to, and that Orthodoxy has done everything wrong.

He quotes SJ who says that,

Orthodox Jews don’t have a musical tradition. The Orthodox jewish “musical tradition” sounds either like little kids babbling or it sounds whiny.

And DK agrees with this.  I have so many things to say about this:

1) No musical tradition? What about the singing in the Temple? Or the Various tunes in davening that have lasted centuries?

2) Even if you don’t like the music doesn’t mean its not a tradition.  Personally I am not a huge fan of  “Jewish Music” but to say there is no tradition is just plain ignorant.  If you don’t like something it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

3) Little kids babbling? I don’t even know what that means.  Can I get an example?

4)Whiny? OK.  I hear that in some cases…

DK eliquently goes into a diatribe about how arts are shuned in the religious world and that,

If you come from an artistic family like I do, you should understand that those skills (yes, Orthodox readers, artistic abilities and achievements do count as “skills”) will not be appreciated in the Orthodox community. In fact, they will be derided.

I can’t say that I blame DK for his view.  He is so woefully ignorant of the actual orthodox world that he just doesn’t know the truth.  Purely on the issue of music, the orthodox world does not deride but in fact looks up to musical talents.  Don’t believe me? Watch how many people merely stand and watch the band at an orthodox wedding.  I know DK wouldn’t know this because he hates separate dancing (i think he called it “gay”, but I can’t find where he said it, so I wont officially say that he did), and therefore would never attend an orthodox wedding.

Or even the admiration for people like Piamenta or Lipa Schmeltzer.  You may not like their music, but people look up to them and certainly do not deride what they do.

I could go on and on with examples from the arts too, but I won’t.  Why you ask? Because you don’t kick a man when he is clearly already been beaten.

I’m Back AGAIN! Looks Like Nothing Has Changed…

I have spent the last 8 months or so not blogging.  For the most part I didn’t feel the urge.  Yeah blogs from DK, SJ, OTD and various other misinformation hubs have annoyed me, but never enough to get me back into writing.

Even now as I write this I still doubt my decision.  However, with my recommitment  to blogging I do so with a few caveats.

I don’t feel pressured to post every day.  If i have something I want to write about, I will.  If I have time to write, I will.

So why do I say that nothing has changed since I left?  Well, DK can help me out there.  In the last week he has posted not one, not two, but three separate articles about the NCSY awards dinner known as The Ben Zakkai Dinner.  Not only is it more obvious then ever that DK just wants to get NCSY, but in the three posts he refuses to make a point.

Sure each time he gives the opportunity to explain at length why he opposes the award, which he has done in the past, but instead he merely makes comments about buying seats and Rabbi Lashak’s receiving the “Baruch Lanner Enabler Award”.

What did Rabbi Lashak do to recieve such treatment? Perhaps you meant to convey a point? Maybe you could have suggested something constructive like Rabbi Lashak refuse the award because of whom it was named after?

No, instead DK would rather make boring and unintelligent comments that really don’t make any point whatsoever.  And he would rather do it over and over again, because he gets sad when people don’t comment and comment and comment on his posts so he must re-post on the same subject with no new material.

Please DK, hold your blog to the same standard you hold the frum world to.  Be intellectual and actually make a point, no matter how wrong you are.

Back and More Pissed Off Then Ever

Yes, I am back.  Hold your applause till after my entire post please.

So recently I have read some postings by a new blogger who calls himself “Mainstream Jew“.  This is he has proved in one very quick night to be completely false since he specifically said, there is no creator who is receiving your prayers”.  No matter if someone is Orthodox, Haredi, Reform, Conservative or any other sect the majority of Jews believe there is a G-d in heaven.  How to observe his laws is in question, but the actual existence of G-d? Mainstream Jews believe in Him. If you don’t believe in Him? Then don’t call yourself Jewish, because while you are to me (assuming you have a Jewish mother), technically to the world you are an atheist.

Second I he is just like DK, SJ, OTD and everyone else like them who hates religious correct Judaism.  We must be tolerant of their views, but ours? If they make Jews look crazy we must stop.  This is exactly what happened in Germany at the beginning of the Reform movement.  “Shut down Orthodoxy! (a term they came up with and as my friend Factual Basis points out should be a racist slur) Close their mikvahs! Close the kosher slaughterhouses! We Jews are just like the rest of you! Don’t pay attention to the freaks!”  It’s really crazy the double standards that we are subject to.  I’m honestly considering changing the name of the blog to double standards because most of posts point them out between them and us.

What evidence is there that he/she/it would want you to pray to him for three hours on a Saturday (and how do we know its actually Saturday and not Tuesday).

How long has it been since you have been to Shul MSJ?  My shabbat davening is 2 hours MAX and that’s on a bad weekend.  Next, personally I try and go to shul every single day of the week.  It’s not just saturday, the reason most people go then is because they don’t have work because of the shabbat.  The shabbaton is the 7th day of the week, hence Saturday.  Why not Sunday? Because its not.  The Jews for thousands of years had shabbaton on a Saturday because that’s the day G-d told us was the 7th day.  If its any other day how would they get the millions of Jews all to change the day? How? Wouldn’t there be sects that had it on the old day, that were left over from the old guard?

Which trasitions very nicely into my next point.

What evidence is there that the Torah is his rule and guidebook?

Because he told us.  Yes he told at least 1 million Jews that this is his rule.  This wasnt the 1990’s where someone could have pulled off the special effects or dupted everyone into “hearing” G-d’s voice.  And how to I know it happened? Because my father who was told by his father by his father by his father and so on and so on back to my relative who was at Mount Sinai.  There is someone I know who can literally trace their passing down of the Torah all the way back to Moses (not that he is related, but that he has an accurate line straight from the source of teaching the torah).  I’m waiting for the famous “but there is no archeological evidence” actually there is someone that perfectly correlates with some stuff on the book of prophets.  What about the Torah itself you ask?  Well if you know anything about archeology, you know the famous line “a lack of evidence is not an evidence of lack”.  Just because we haven’t found it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.  All the stuff that has been found does not contradict (in fact most of it supports) stories in the torah.

Whats amazing is yet another double standard.  Everyone agrees there was a Hammurabi code of law.  This is based on very limited finds on the code itself.  However there is no debate as to its existence and place in history.  But the torah? Well it requires us to do something so we must apply a different standard!

The torah was given to our ancestors by G-d himself.  They were there.  The same way we know there was a Civil War, or a Roman Empire, or anything else we didn’t personally live through.  We have history both from first hand accounts and from finds.  While the exodus from egypt has yeilded limited finds its not surprising if you actually think about it.  No one knows their exact route, plus there haven’t been extensive tries to find results, and it’s the desert so digs are very hard especially when one doesnt know even a general 5 mile area to look.

As for your comment about woman equality? You have no idea how I feel on the matter, but of course all orthodox Jews are the same right? I will address my views on woman in Judaism in a post in the near future.

Yes, I’m back and better than ever.  I will keep fighting off these attacks on our people, you do your part and keep reading

Crazy Busy

Sorry everyone that I havent been updating the blog reguarly, but life has been crazy.  Hopefully starting after shabbat tomorrow things will get calmer and I can post on a more regular basis.

Please keep reading and referring your friends

-The Cheerer